Issue 3, 2012

Dual gas and oil dispersions in water: production and stability of foamulsion


In this study we have investigated mixtures of oil droplets and gas bubbles and show that the oil can have two very different roles, either suppressing foaming or stabilising the foam. We have foamed emulsions made from two different oils (rapeseed and dodecane). For both oils the requirement for the creation of foamulsions is the presence of surfactant above a certain critical threshold, independent of the concentration of oil present. Although the foamability is comparable, the stability of the foamed emulsions is very different for the two oils studied. Varying a few simple parameters gives access to a wide range of behaviours, indeed three different stability regimes are observed: a regime with rapid collapse (within a few minutes), a regime where the oil has no impact, and a regime of high stability. This last regime occurs at high oil fraction in the emulsion, and the strong slowing down of ageing processes is due to the confinement of packed oil droplets between bubbles. We thus show that a simple system consisting of surfactant, water, oil and gas is very versatile and can be controlled by choosing the appropriate physical chemical parameters.

Graphical abstract: Dual gas and oil dispersions in water: production and stability of foamulsion

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Article information

Article type
10 Aug 2011
28 Sep 2011
First published
04 Nov 2011

Soft Matter, 2012,8, 699-706

Dual gas and oil dispersions in water: production and stability of foamulsion

A. Salonen, R. Lhermerout, E. Rio, D. Langevin and A. Saint-Jalmes, Soft Matter, 2012, 8, 699 DOI: 10.1039/C1SM06537H

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