Issue 31, 2016

Robust fluorine-free superhydrophobic PDMS–ormosil@fabrics for highly effective self-cleaning and efficient oil–water separation


Superhydrophobic cotton fabrics were prepared via a facile and environmentally friendly strategy to deposit an organically modified silica aerogel (ormosil) thin film onto the fabrics first, followed by polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) topcoating. The PDMS–ormosil coating displayed a uniform 3D fractal-like structure with numerous loose micro-scale pores, while the PDMS layer increased the binding strength of the hierarchical ormosil film to form a highly robust porous network on the fibers. In comparison with hydrophilic cotton fabrics, the modified cotton fabric exhibited a highly superhydrophobic activity with a water contact angle higher than 160° and a sliding angle lower than 10°. The as-constructed PDMS–ormosil@fabrics are able to withstand 100 cycles of abrasion and 5 cycles of accelerated machine wash without an apparent decrease of superhydrophobicity. In addition, the superhydrophobic cotton fabrics are very stable in strongly acidic and alkaline solutions. Furthermore, the superhydrophobic coating has no or negligible adverse effect on the important textile physical properties of the cotton fabric, such as the strength, air permeability, and flexibility. The composite super-antiwetting fabrics have demonstrated excellent anti-fouling, self-cleaning ability and are highly efficient in oil–water separation for various oil–water mixtures. This facile synthesis technique has the advantages of scalable fabrication of multifunctional fabrics for potential applications in self-cleaning and versatile water–oil separation.

Graphical abstract: Robust fluorine-free superhydrophobic PDMS–ormosil@fabrics for highly effective self-cleaning and efficient oil–water separation

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Article information

Article type
27 May 2016
07 Jul 2016
First published
07 Jul 2016

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2016,4, 12179-12187

Robust fluorine-free superhydrophobic PDMS–ormosil@fabrics for highly effective self-cleaning and efficient oil–water separation

C. Cao, M. Ge, J. Huang, S. Li, S. Deng, S. Zhang, Z. Chen, K. Zhang, S. S. Al-Deyab and Y. Lai, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2016, 4, 12179 DOI: 10.1039/C6TA04420D

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