Issue 6, 2019

Full in silico DFT characterization of lanthanum and yttrium based oxynitride semiconductors for solar fuels


Finding new solar-energy absorber materials is one of the most significant challenges in artificial photosynthesis. Starting from the experimentally available LaTaON2 and LaTiO2N oxynitrides, we use DFT to propose new sunlight absorbing semiconductors. The synthetically unknown YTaON2 and YTiO2N are semiconductors with indirect band gaps of 2.7 eV and 2.9 eV, respectively. For the first time, we compute within Boltzmann transport theory the DOS-averaged effective mass and mobility of LaTaON2, LaTiO2N, YTaON2 and YTiO2N. Our first principles calculations indicate that the Y-based materials possess advantageous dielectric (εr ≥ 47), optical (α ≥ 104 cm−1 near band edge), and charge transport properties (me,h*DOS ≈ 0.2; μe,h ≈ 102 cm2 V−1 s−1) for the conversion of solar energy into storable fuels. Herein, our work leads to the complete in silico design of semiconductors for water splitting.

Graphical abstract: Full in silico DFT characterization of lanthanum and yttrium based oxynitride semiconductors for solar fuels

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Article information

Article type
15 Nov 2018
02 Jan 2019
First published
18 Jan 2019

J. Mater. Chem. C, 2019,7, 1612-1621

Full in silico DFT characterization of lanthanum and yttrium based oxynitride semiconductors for solar fuels

A. T. Garcia-Esparza, N. Tymińska, R. A. R. Al Orabi and T. Le Bahers, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2019, 7, 1612 DOI: 10.1039/C8TC05749D

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