Issue 10, 2021

pH and redox triggered doxorubicin release from covalently linked carbon dots conjugates


Tumor microenvironment responsive drug delivery systems are potential approaches to reduce the acute toxicity caused by high-dose cancer chemotherapy. Notwithstanding the conventional nano-drug delivery systems, the redox and pH stimuli drug delivery systems are currently gaining attention. Therefore, the current study was designed to compare three different covalent carbon dots (C-dots) systems based on doxorubicin (dox) release profiles and cancer cell viability efficacy under acidic and physiological conditions. The C-dots nanosystems that were examined in this study are directly conjugated (C-dots-dox), pH triggered (C-dots-HBA-dox), and the redox stimuli (C-dots-S–S-dox) conjugates. The drug loading content (DLC%) of the C-dots-S–S-dox, C-dots-HBA-dox, and C-dots-dox was 34.2 ± 0.4, 60.0 ± 0.3, and 70.0 ± 0.2%, respectively, that examined by UV-vis spectral analysis. The dox release paradigms were emphasized that all three conjugates were promisingly released the dox from C-dots faster in acidic pH than in physiological pH. The displayed highest dox released percentage in the acidic medium was 74.6 ± 0.8% obtained by the pH stimuli, C-dots-HBA-dox conjugate. When introducing the redox inducer, dithiothreitol (DTT), preferentially, the redox stimuli C-dot-S–S-dox conjugate demonstrated a faster dox release at acidic pH than in the pH 7.4. The SJGBM2 cell viability experiments revealed that the pH stimuli, C-dots-HBA-dox conjugate, displayed a significant cell viability drop in the artificially acidified pH 6.4 medium. However, in the physiological pH, the redox stimuli, C-dots-S–S-dox conjugate, was promising over the pH stimuli C-dots-HBA-dox, exhibiting cell viability of 60%, though its’ efficacy dropped slightly in the artificially acidified pH 6.4 medium. Moreover, the current study illustrates the stimuli conjugates’ remarkable efficacy on sustain drug release than direct amide linkage.

Graphical abstract: pH and redox triggered doxorubicin release from covalently linked carbon dots conjugates

Article information

Article type
24 Nov 2020
26 Feb 2021
First published
03 Mar 2021

Nanoscale, 2021,13, 5507-5518

Author version available

pH and redox triggered doxorubicin release from covalently linked carbon dots conjugates

S. D. Hettiarachchi, E. Kirbas Cilingir, H. Maklouf, E. S. Seven, S. Paudyal, S. Vanni, R. M. Graham and R. M. Leblanc, Nanoscale, 2021, 13, 5507 DOI: 10.1039/D0NR08381J

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