Issue 26, 2020, Issue in Progress

Fabrication of new conductive surface-metallized UHMWPE fabric with improved thermal resistance


A new UHMWPE-based conductive fabric was successfully prepared by radiation-induced graft polymerization and subsequent post-modification, followed by electroless deposition. The chemical structure and composition of modified UHMWPE fabrics were investigated in detail by ATR-FTIR, 29Si NMR, and XPS to confirm grafting and post-modification. After electroless deposition, the morphology, thermal stability, and crystal structure of original and modified fabrics were characterized by SEM, TG, DSC and XRD. Cu-deposited UHMWPE fabric exhibited much better thermal resistance than that of UHMWPE and Cu@UHMWPE-g-PAAc. In order to improve the oxidation resistance of copper-deposited fabric, nickel was processed on copper-coated UHMWPE fabric to protect the copper layer. An electromagnetic shielding effect test showed the nickel–copper coated UHMWPE fabric could shield 94.5% of the electromagnetic wave in the frequency range of 8–12 GHz. This work provides an approach for addressing the issue of poor thermal resistance of metal-coated polymeric materials due to the inherent low melting point of the organic support.

Graphical abstract: Fabrication of new conductive surface-metallized UHMWPE fabric with improved thermal resistance

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Article information

Article type
10 Mar 2020
03 Apr 2020
First published
17 Apr 2020
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2020,10, 15139-15147

Fabrication of new conductive surface-metallized UHMWPE fabric with improved thermal resistance

Q. Gao, M. Wang, J. Chen, M. Zhang, J. Zhao, M. Zhang, J. Hu and G. Wu, RSC Adv., 2020, 10, 15139 DOI: 10.1039/D0RA02228D

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