Issue 1, 2021

Distinct electronic structures and bonding interactions in inverse-sandwich samarium and ytterbium biphenyl complexes


Inverse-sandwich samarium and ytterbium biphenyl complexes were synthesized by the reduction of their trivalent halide precursors with potassium graphite in the presence of biphenyl. While the samarium complex had a similar structure as previously reported rare earth metal biphenyl complexes, with the two samarium ions bound to the same phenyl ring, the ytterbium counterpart adopted a different structure, with the two ytterbium ions bound to different phenyl rings. Upon the addition of crown ether to encapsulate the potassium ions, the inverse-sandwich samarium biphenyl structure remained intact; however, the ytterbium biphenyl structure fell apart with the concomitant formation of a divalent ytterbium crown ether complex and potassium biphenylide. Spectroscopic and computational studies were performed to gain insight into the electronic structures and bonding interactions of these samarium and ytterbium biphenyl complexes. While the ytterbium ions were found to be divalent with a 4f14 electron configuration and form a primarily ionic bonding interaction with biphenyl dianion, the samarium ions were in the trivalent state with a 4f5 electron configuration and mainly utilized the 5d orbitals to form a δ-type bonding interaction with the π* orbitals of the biphenyl tetraanion, showing covalent character.

Graphical abstract: Distinct electronic structures and bonding interactions in inverse-sandwich samarium and ytterbium biphenyl complexes

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Article information

Article type
Edge Article
27 Jun 2020
24 Oct 2020
First published
29 Oct 2020
This article is Open Access

All publication charges for this article have been paid for by the Royal Society of Chemistry
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Chem. Sci., 2021,12, 227-238

Distinct electronic structures and bonding interactions in inverse-sandwich samarium and ytterbium biphenyl complexes

Y. Xiao, X. Zhao, T. Wu, J. T. Miller, H. Hu, J. Li, W. Huang and P. L. Diaconescu, Chem. Sci., 2021, 12, 227 DOI: 10.1039/D0SC03555F

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