Issue 42, 2021

Electrochemical properties of anthraquinone-containing polymer nanocomposite by nano-level molecular ordering


We introduce anthraquinone, one of the fascinating redox-active organic materials in energy storage systems, to the preparation of a novel polymer nanocomposite. The sub-nanometer-level ordered polymer, P(Py : AqDSA : Py), on MoS2 from TMCPs, synthesized using anthraquinone as a linker between two pyrroles, was prepared. The chemical composition, structure, and morphology of the composite were observed through TEM and SEM-EDX. The FT-IR, Raman, and XPS spectra showed the chemical structure of the composite. The crystal structure of the composite was analyzed through HVEM and XRD. It formed a face-centered cubic (FCC) structure with a 1.28 nm d spacing toward the [100] direction. The anthraquinone-containing polymer nanocomposite, which has a unique crystal structure and complementary electrical properties, is expected to be applied to more diverse electric and energy fields as a next-generation energy material.

Graphical abstract: Electrochemical properties of anthraquinone-containing polymer nanocomposite by nano-level molecular ordering

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
28 Jul 2021
03 Oct 2021
First published
08 Oct 2021

Polym. Chem., 2021,12, 6154-6160

Electrochemical properties of anthraquinone-containing polymer nanocomposite by nano-level molecular ordering

W. Kim, Z. Ahmad, H. Lee, S. J. Yoo, J. Shim and J. Lee, Polym. Chem., 2021, 12, 6154 DOI: 10.1039/D1PY01011E

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