Issue 3, 2023

A ligand-enabled, copper(ii)-catalyzed, highly selective and efficient synthesis of 2E-alkenylfurans from ynenones


We describe a ligand-enabled Cu(II)-catalyzed approach for highly selective synthesis of 2E-alkenylfurans 2 from ynenones under an air atmosphere. In this reaction, the amide group on our designed 1,10-phenanthroline framework had a key role in promoting the α-H internal 1,2-migration to Cu(II) carbene species and stabilizing the in situ-generated carbocation. This approach prevented the external oxygen participating to oxidize α-furyl copper carbene rapidly to 2-acylfuran. With the bifunctional ligand L1, the Cu(II) catalyst became highly efficient at catalyzing ynenones selective to 2E-alkenylfurans 2 under an air atmosphere at room temperature in excellent yields. Moreover, the ligand could lower the Cu(II) catalyst loading dramatically to ppm-level at a higher temperature and concentration, with turnover numbers of the Cu(II) catalyst up to 9300. This economical and practical approach with good application was mild and environmentally friendly.

Graphical abstract: A ligand-enabled, copper(ii)-catalyzed, highly selective and efficient synthesis of 2E-alkenylfurans from ynenones

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
Research Article
03 Nov 2022
10 Dec 2022
First published
13 Dec 2022

Org. Chem. Front., 2023,10, 767-773

A ligand-enabled, copper(II)-catalyzed, highly selective and efficient synthesis of 2E-alkenylfurans from ynenones

S. Zou, F. Yang, X. Zhao, X. Ren, Z. Chen and K. Ji, Org. Chem. Front., 2023, 10, 767 DOI: 10.1039/D2QO01741E

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