Issue 45, 2023

A C4-modified bipyridinium multi-mode stationary phase for reversed phase, hydrophilic interaction and ion exchange chromatography


A novel C4-modified bipyridinium stationary phase (Sil-DPC4) was prepared and characterized by elemental analysis (EA) and Fourier transform infrared spectrometry (FT-IR) and further investigated for multi-mode liquid chromatography. The chromatographic performances of Sil-DPC4 were evaluated by reversed-phase chromatography using polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), phenylamines and phenols, hydrophilic interaction chromatography using nucleosides and nucleobases, and ion exchange chromatography using inorganic ions and organic ions. The effects of the acetonitrile content, salt concentration and pH value of the mobile phase on the retention of Sil-DPC4 were also investigated. Sil-DPC4 showed multiple retention mechanisms including π–π, hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions for PAHs, phenylamines and phenols compared with a dipyridine modified silica stationary phase (Sil-DP) and C18 in RPLC, faster separation for nucleosides and nucleobases compared with Sil-DP, and higher hydrophilicity than HILIC in HILIC, and stronger retention and better separation ability for inorganic ions and organic ions in comparison to Sil-DP in IEC. Besides, Sil-DPC4 was used successfully to detect iodide in artificial seawater and had the potential to analyze radionuclide iodine-131 in seawater. In conclusion, multiple retention mechanisms of Sil-DPC4 could make it have potential applications in complex samples.

Graphical abstract: A C4-modified bipyridinium multi-mode stationary phase for reversed phase, hydrophilic interaction and ion exchange chromatography

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Article information

Article type
11 Oct 2023
02 Nov 2023
First published
03 Nov 2023

Anal. Methods, 2023,15, 6286-6293

A C4-modified bipyridinium multi-mode stationary phase for reversed phase, hydrophilic interaction and ion exchange chromatography

Y. Yang, Y. Li, Z. Long, L. Han, K. Quan, J. Chen, X. Liu and H. Qiu, Anal. Methods, 2023, 15, 6286 DOI: 10.1039/D3AY01796F

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