Issue 15, 2013

CO2reductionvia aluminum complexes of ammonia boranes


Reactions of amine-boranes NH3BH3, Me2NHBH3, or Me3NBH3 with AlX3 (X = Cl, Br, I, C6F5) have been examined. The species AlBr3·H3BNMe32, Al(C6F5)3·H3BNMe33, Al(C6F5)3·H3BNHMe24 and Al(C6F5)3·H3BNH35 have been prepared and isolated. The analogous reaction of B(C6F5)3 and H3BNMe3 results in C6F5-transfer and the formation of (C6F5)BH2·NMe36. While the adduct 6 was unreactive to CO2, species 3 reacts with CO2 to give the formate linked Al(C6F5)3(HCO2)H2BNMe38. The species R3PC(OAl(C6F5)3)2 (R = o-tol (1′-C666F555), R = Mes (1-C66F55)) were prepared, and 1′-C666F555 was shown to react with amine-boranes to effect the reduction of this bound-CO2 to formate and methoxide-derivatives, proceeding through intermediates including 8 and [(Me3NBH2)2(μ-H)][(HCO2)(Al(C6F5)3)2] 9. The salt [tBu3PH][(HCO2)(Al(C6F5)3)2] 10 was prepared independently.

Graphical abstract: CO2 reduction via aluminum complexes of ammonia boranes

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Article information

Article type
11 Jan 2013
12 Feb 2013
First published
20 Feb 2013

Dalton Trans., 2013,42, 5447-5453

CO2 reduction via aluminum complexes of ammonia boranes

G. Ménard and D. W. Stephan, Dalton Trans., 2013, 42, 5447 DOI: 10.1039/C3DT00098B

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