Issue 2, 2019

Mesoporous silica-protected silver nanoparticle disinfectant with controlled Ag+ ion release, efficient magnetic separation, and effective antibacterial activity


Ag is the most effective metal disinfectant against pathogenic microorganisms and thus, various approaches have been exploited to enhance the dispersity and control the release of Ag+ ions from Ag nanoparticles. In this study, a superparamagnetic Fe3O4@SiO2@Ag@porous SiO2 disinfectant with a double-layer core–shell structure was developed. Its superparamagnetic Fe3O4 nanosphere core ensured its good dispersity in water and allowed its easy magnetic separation after treatment. Its dense SiO2 inner shell protected the Fe3O4 nanosphere core and allowed a good loading of Ag nanoparticles. Its mesoporous SiO2 outer layer effectively protected the Ag nanoparticles from detachment, and its mesoporous channels resulted in lower silver oxidation and dissolution for the controlled release of Ag+ ions. Thus, a highly efficient, silver-based disinfectant was developed, as demonstrated by its effective disinfection of Escherichia coli bacteria with good recycle performance, while the silver concentration in the treated water met the MCL of silver for drinking water.

Graphical abstract: Mesoporous silica-protected silver nanoparticle disinfectant with controlled Ag+ ion release, efficient magnetic separation, and effective antibacterial activity

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Article type
08 Oct 2018
14 Nov 2018
First published
15 Nov 2018
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Nanoscale Adv., 2019,1, 840-848

Mesoporous silica-protected silver nanoparticle disinfectant with controlled Ag+ ion release, efficient magnetic separation, and effective antibacterial activity

X. Wang, W. Sun, W. Yang, S. Gao, C. Sun and Q. Li, Nanoscale Adv., 2019, 1, 840 DOI: 10.1039/C8NA00275D

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