Issue 34, 2018, Issue in Progress

A combined experimental and DFT mechanistic study for the unexpected nitrosolysis of N-hydroxymethyldialkylamines in fuming nitric acid


The reaction of dimorpholinomethane in fuming HNO3 was investigated. Interestingly, the major product was identified as N-nitrosomorpholine and a key intermediate N-hydroxymethylmorpholine was detected during the reaction by 1H-NMR tracking which indicates that the reaction proceeds via an unexpected nitrosolysis process. A plausible nitrosolysis mechanism for N-hydroxymethyldialkylamine in fuming nitric acid involving a HNO3 redox reaction is proposed, which is supported by both experimental results and density functional theory (DFT) calculations. The effects of ammonium nitrate and water on the nitrosolysis were studied using different ammonium salts as additives and varying water content, respectively. Observations show the key role of ammonium ions and a small amount of water in promoting the nitrosolysis reaction. Furthermore, DFT calculations reveal an essential point that ammonia, merged from the decomposition of the ammonium salts, acts as a Lewis base catalyst, and the hydroxymethyl group of the substrate participates in a hydrogen-bonding interaction with the NH3 and H2O molecules.

Graphical abstract: A combined experimental and DFT mechanistic study for the unexpected nitrosolysis of N-hydroxymethyldialkylamines in fuming nitric acid

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Article information

Article type
17 Apr 2018
15 May 2018
First published
24 May 2018
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2018,8, 19310-19316

A combined experimental and DFT mechanistic study for the unexpected nitrosolysis of N-hydroxymethyldialkylamines in fuming nitric acid

Y. Zhang, P. Zou, Y. Han, Y. Geng, J. Luo and B. Zhou, RSC Adv., 2018, 8, 19310 DOI: 10.1039/C8RA03268H

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