Issue 26, 2018

Enhancing the hydrophobicity of perovskite solar cells using C18 capped CH3NH3PbI3 nanocrystals


An important limitation in the commercialisation of perovskite solar cells is lack of stability towards moisture due to fast degradation of the absorber perovskite layer. One approach to improve the stability is effective interface engineering by adding materials that can protect the underlying perovskite film. In this work, we look at the incorporation of C18 capped CH3NH3PbI3 nanocrystals (MAPI NCs) in perovskite solar cells with both standard and inverted architecture. Three different solution-processing techniques were investigated and compared. We show that solar cells with MAPI NCs integrated at the perovskite–Spiro interface can reach over 10% efficiency. The presence of long chain ligands bound to the MAPI NCs does not appear to damage hole extraction. Most importantly, the hydrophobicity of the surface is significantly enhanced, leading to a much higher device stability towards moisture.

Graphical abstract: Enhancing the hydrophobicity of perovskite solar cells using C18 capped CH3NH3PbI3 nanocrystals

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Article information

Article type
23 Apr 2018
14 Jun 2018
First published
16 Jun 2018
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

J. Mater. Chem. C, 2018,6, 7149-7156

Enhancing the hydrophobicity of perovskite solar cells using C18 capped CH3NH3PbI3 nanocrystals

I. Poli, X. Liang, R. Baker, S. Eslava and P. J. Cameron, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2018, 6, 7149 DOI: 10.1039/C8TC01939H

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