Issue 1, 2021

Hydride-induced Meisenheimer complex formation reflects activity of nitro aromatic anti-tuberculosis compounds


The formation efficiency of hydride-induced Meisenheimer complexes of nitroaromatic compounds is consistent with their anti-TB activities exemplied by MDL860 and benzothiazol N-oxide (BTO) analogs. Herein we report that nitro cyano phenoxybenzenes (MDL860 and analogs) reacted slowly and incompletely which reflected their moderate anti-TB activity, in contrast to the instantaneous reaction of BTO derivatives to quantitatively generate Meisenheimer complexes which corresponded to their enhanced anti-TB activity. These results were corroborated by mycobacterial and radiolabelling studies that confirmed inhibition of the DprE1 enzyme by BTO derivatives but not MDL860 analogs.

Graphical abstract: Hydride-induced Meisenheimer complex formation reflects activity of nitro aromatic anti-tuberculosis compounds

  • This article is part of the themed collection: Tuberculosis

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
Research Article
16 Nov 2020
13 Dec 2020
First published
04 Jan 2021

RSC Med. Chem., 2021,12, 62-72

Hydride-induced Meisenheimer complex formation reflects activity of nitro aromatic anti-tuberculosis compounds

R. Liu, L. Markley, P. A. Miller, S. Franzblau, G. Shetye, R. Ma, K. Savková, K. Mikušová, B. S. Lee, K. Pethe, G. C. Moraski and M. J. Miller, RSC Med. Chem., 2021, 12, 62 DOI: 10.1039/D0MD00390E

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