Issue 12, 2010

Synthesis and luminescent properties of orderly YPO4:Eu3+ olivary architectures self-assembled by nanoflakes


Orderly YPO4:Eu3+ olivary architectures with a length of about 8 μm and a diameter of about 5 μm have been synthesized successfully by a limited anion-exchange reaction (LAER) under hydrothermal conditions. These 3D olives in fact are composed of irregular tetragonal nanoflakes with an average size of 1500 × 1000 × 60 nm3, these flakes align parallel or interlace with each other. The evolution of this special morphology of the samples has been investigated in detail. It was found that the amount of the HNO3 used in the solution, the change of the phosphorous sources, and the reaction time have visible influences on the morphologies of the product. A possible formation and growth mechanism of the hierarchical structures was suggested according to the experimental results and analysis. The luminescent properties of the products were also studied. Both the obtained products and the synthesis methods used in the preparation may shed some light on the further synthesis and application.

Graphical abstract: Synthesis and luminescent properties of orderly YPO4:Eu3+ olivary architectures self-assembled by nanoflakes

Article information

Article type
10 Apr 2010
12 Jun 2010
First published
30 Jul 2010

CrystEngComm, 2010,12, 4141-4145

Synthesis and luminescent properties of orderly YPO4:Eu3+ olivary architectures self-assembled by nanoflakes

M. Yang, H. You, N. Guo, Y. Huang, Y. Zheng and H. Zhang, CrystEngComm, 2010, 12, 4141 DOI: 10.1039/C0CE00078G

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