Volume 175, 2014

Aptamer-conjugated theranostic hybrid graphene oxide with highly selective biosensing and combined therapy capability


Cancer is a life-threatening disease, which is rapidly becoming a global pandemic. Driven by this need, here we report for the first time an aptamer-conjugated theranostic magnetic hybrid graphene oxide-based assay for highly sensitive tumor cell detection from blood samples with combined therapy capability. AGE-aptamer-conjugated theranostic magnetic nanoparticle-attached hybrid graphene oxide was developed for highly selective detection of tumor cells from infected blood samples. Experimental data indicate that hybrid graphene can be used as a multicolor luminescence platform for selective imaging of G361 human malignant melanoma cancer cells. The reported results have also shown that indocyanine green (ICG)-bound AGE-aptamer-attached hybrid graphene oxide is capable of combined synergistic photothermal and photodynamic treatment of cancer. Targeted combined therapeutic treatment using 785 nm near-infrared (NIR) light indicates that the multimodal therapeutic treatment is highly effective for malignant melanoma cancer therapy. The reported data show that this aptamer-conjugated theranostic graphene oxide-based assay has exciting potential for improving cancer diagnosis and treatment.

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Article information

Article type
19 Apr 2014
09 Jul 2014
First published
09 Jul 2014

Faraday Discuss., 2014,175, 257-271

Author version available

Aptamer-conjugated theranostic hybrid graphene oxide with highly selective biosensing and combined therapy capability

B. P. Viraka Nellore, A. Pramanik, S. R. Chavva, S. S. Sinha, C. Robinson, Z. Fan, R. Kanchanapally, J. Grennell, I. Weaver, A. T. Hamme and P. C. Ray, Faraday Discuss., 2014, 175, 257 DOI: 10.1039/C4FD00074A

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