Issue 6, 2014

Microwave assisted extraction as an important technology for valorising orange waste


Microwave assisted extraction has been demonstrated as an efficient green technology for the recovery of D-limonene from orange waste. Microwave irradiation was shown to be a more efficient method when compared to conventional heating due to its high selectivity for D-limonene, significantly shortened extraction durations and D-limonene yields twice that of conventional heating. Kinetic analysis of the extraction process indicated a typical two-step diffusion process, an initial stage of extraction from the exterior of the cells (1st stage) and diffusion of solute across the membrane (2nd stage). Diffusion coefficients for the initial stage of extraction from the exterior of cells (1st stage) for both conventional and microwave extraction demonstrated similar trends and activation energies. Interestingly, trans-membrane diffusion coefficient for the microwave assisted extraction at 110 °C was significantly high. Crucially, this was not observed with conventional heating suggesting that microwave radiation favourably interacts with the sample during extraction, causing simultaneous cell rupture and diffusion, resulting in greater yield. This provides an important insight into the development of extraction processes for orange peel.

Graphical abstract: Microwave assisted extraction as an important technology for valorising orange waste

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Article information

Article type
08 Jan 2014
20 Feb 2014
First published
20 Feb 2014

New J. Chem., 2014,38, 2278-2283

Author version available

Microwave assisted extraction as an important technology for valorising orange waste

T. M. Attard, B. Watterson, V. L. Budarin, J. H. Clark and A. J. Hunt, New J. Chem., 2014, 38, 2278 DOI: 10.1039/C4NJ00043A

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