Issue 12, 2002

Diels–Alder and ene reactions of singlet oxygen, nitroso compounds and triazolinediones: transition states and mechanisms from contemporary theory


Singlet oxygen, nitroso compounds and triazolinediones have similar electronic structures: they share a low lying LUMO, making them powerful electrophiles, and a high lying HOMO, orthogonal to the LUMO and consisting of an antibonding combination of lone pairs. This bestows some nucleophilic character on these species. We describe a number of studies employing the best levels of theory currently available for systems of this size and demonstrate that the Diels–Alder and ene reactions of these three species are calculated to show subtle changes in mechanism. The calculations have been calibrated, wherever possible, by comparison to experimental observations including measured activation and reaction energies, regio- and stereo-selectivities, intermediates observed either spectroscopically or by trapping, and kinetic isotope effects.

Graphical abstract: Diels–Alder and ene reactions of singlet oxygen, nitroso compounds and triazolinediones: transition states and mechanisms from contemporary theory

Article information

Article type
Feature Article
10 Dec 2001
23 Jan 2002
First published
26 Feb 2002

Chem. Commun., 2002, 1243-1255

Diels–Alder and ene reactions of singlet oxygen, nitroso compounds and triazolinediones: transition states and mechanisms from contemporary theory

A. G. Leach and K. N. Houk, Chem. Commun., 2002, 1243 DOI: 10.1039/B111251C

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