Issue 10, 2003

Polymerisable liquid crystalline organic semiconductors and their fabrication in organic field effect transistors


The performance of the semiconducting component in organic field effect transistors (OFETs) is a key parameter in the advancement of organic electronic devices. New semiconductors are required, which can be solution processed, possess high mobility and current modulation, and are stable in ambient conditions. This work provides the first demonstration of working field effect transistor devices fabricated from novel solution processible, polymerisable, small molecule liquid crystalline semiconductors, referred to as reactive mesogens. The design, synthesis, and performance of these materials in transistor devices are reported. The relationship between liquid crystal molecular structure, its corresponding phase behaviour and electrical performance is examined. Molecular design methodology was employed to control the liquid crystalline morphology, in an attempt to optimise organisation and packing. Alignment of the molecules in large homeotropic domains was achieved through surface treatment techniques, and the highly ordered mesophase was preserved by polymerisation of the reactive end groups, creating a crosslinked network.

Graphical abstract: Polymerisable liquid crystalline organic semiconductors and their fabrication in organic field effect transistors

Article information

Article type
31 Jul 2003
12 Aug 2003
First published
21 Aug 2003

J. Mater. Chem., 2003,13, 2436-2444

Polymerisable liquid crystalline organic semiconductors and their fabrication in organic field effect transistors

I. McCulloch, W. Zhang, M. Heeney, C. Bailey, M. Giles, D. Graham, M. Shkunov, D. Sparrowe and S. Tierney, J. Mater. Chem., 2003, 13, 2436 DOI: 10.1039/B307764K

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