Issue 6, 2004

The H + C2H2 (+M) ⇄ C2H3 (+M) and H + C2H2 (+M) ⇄ C2H5 (+M) reactions: Electronic structure, variational transition-state theory, and solutions to a two-dimensional master equation


In this article we investigate the kinetics of the H + C2H2 and H + C2H4 reactions, as well as their reverse dissociations, in some detail. High level electronic structure calculations are used to characterize the potential energy surfaces, and these results are not adjusted to obtain good agreement with experiment in the subsequent kinetic analysis. An approximate two-dimensional master equation is used to determine phenomenological rate coefficients, k(T,p). The effects of angular momentum conservation, tunneling, and the use of variational transition-state theory (as opposed to conventional transition-state theory) to compute microcanonical rate coefficients are investigated in detail. For both reactions, the low-pressure limit is approached very slowly, because reaction just above threshold must occur strictly by tunneling. Assuming a single-exponential-down model for P(E,E′), we deduce from experiment values of 〈ΔEd〉, the average energy transferred in a deactivating collision, as a function of temperature for both C2H3 and C2H5 in baths of He, Ar, and N2. Our results support the idea that 〈ΔEd〉 increases roughly linearly with temperature, at least for weak colliders. The agreement between theory and experiment is remarkably good for both reactions. Values of k(T,p) for the two reactions are given in the Troe format for use in modeling.

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Article information

Article type
28 Oct 2003
23 Jan 2004
First published
23 Feb 2004

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2004,6, 1192-1202

The H + C2H2 (+M) ⇄ C2H3 (+M) and H + C2H2 (+M) ⇄ C2H5 (+M) reactions: Electronic structure, variational transition-state theory, and solutions to a two-dimensional master equation

J. A. Miller and S. J. Klippenstein, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2004, 6, 1192 DOI: 10.1039/B313645K

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