Issue 4, 2005

A microfluidic system enabling Raman measurements of the oxygenation cycle in single optically trapped red blood cells


Using a lab-on-a-chip approach we demonstrate the possibility of selecting a single cell with certain properties and following its dynamics after an environmental stimulation in real time using Raman spectroscopy. This is accomplished by combining a micro Raman set-up with optical tweezers and a microfluidic system. The latter gives full control over the media surrounding the cell, and it consists of a pattern of channels and reservoirs defined by electron beam lithography that is moulded into rubber silicon (PDMS). Different buffers can be transported through the channels using electro-osmotic flow, while the resonance Raman response of an optically trapped red blood cell (RBC) is simultaneously registered. This makes it possible to monitor the oxygenation cycle of the cell in real time and to investigate effects like photo-induced chemistry caused by the illumination. The experimental set-up has high potential for in vivo monitoring of cellular drug response using a variety of spectroscopic probes.

Graphical abstract: A microfluidic system enabling Raman measurements of the oxygenation cycle in single optically trapped red blood cells

Article information

Article type
03 Nov 2004
07 Feb 2005
First published
21 Feb 2005

Lab Chip, 2005,5, 431-436

A microfluidic system enabling Raman measurements of the oxygenation cycle in single optically trapped red blood cells

K. Ramser, J. Enger, M. Goksör, D. Hanstorp, K. Logg and M. Käll, Lab Chip, 2005, 5, 431 DOI: 10.1039/B416749J

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