Issue 10, 2006

Eco-friendly and versatile brominating reagent prepared from a liquid bromine precursor


Facile bromination of various organic substrates has been demonstrated with a 2 : 1 bromide:bromate reagent prepared from the alkaline intermediate of the conventional bromine recovery process. The reagent is acidified in situ to generate HOBr as the reactive species, which effects bromination. Aromatic substrates that have been successfully brominated under ambient conditions without use of any catalyst include phenols, anilines, aromatic ethers and even benzene. Non-aromatic compounds bearing active methylene group were monobrominated selectively with the present reagent and olefinic compounds were converted into the corresponding bromohydrins in moderate yields. By obtaining the present reagent from the liquid bromine precursor, the twin advantages of avoiding liquid bromine and producing the reagent in a cost-effective manner are realised. When coupled with the additional advantage of high bromine atom efficiency, the present protocol becomes attractive all the way from “cradle to grave”.

Graphical abstract: Eco-friendly and versatile brominating reagent prepared from a liquid bromine precursor

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Article information

Article type
10 May 2006
10 Jul 2006
First published
03 Aug 2006

Green Chem., 2006,8, 916-922

Eco-friendly and versatile brominating reagent prepared from a liquid bromine precursor

S. Adimurthy, G. Ramachandraiah, A. V. Bedekar, S. Ghosh, B. C. Ranu and P. K. Ghosh, Green Chem., 2006, 8, 916 DOI: 10.1039/B606586D

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