Issue 1, 2007

Marine metabolites: metal binding and metal complexes of azole-based cyclic peptides of marine origin


Azole-based cyclic peptides found in ascidians (‘sea squirts’) of the genus Lissoclinum have a high propensity to chelate metal ions. This Highlight summarises the current evidence for marine cyclic peptide–metal congruence, and the structural and stereochemical features in cyclic peptides which seem necessary to facilitate metal complexation. The biological relevance of the metal ions in these associations, including their possible role in the assembly of cyclic peptides in the marine milieu, is also briefly considered. Finally, the synthesis of natural, and some novel non-natural, azole-based cyclic peptides from the cyclooligomerisation and assembly of azole-based amino acids, including in the presence of metal ions, is presented.

Graphical abstract: Marine metabolites: metal binding and metal complexes of azole-based cyclic peptides of marine origin

Article information

Article type
09 Oct 2006
First published
16 Jan 2007

Nat. Prod. Rep., 2007,24, 18-30

Marine metabolites: metal binding and metal complexes of azole-based cyclic peptides of marine origin

A. Bertram and G. Pattenden, Nat. Prod. Rep., 2007, 24, 18 DOI: 10.1039/B612600F

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