Issue 35, 2007

Asymmetric catalysis of metal complexes with non-planar ONNO ligands: salen, salalen and salan


Chiral metal (M)–salen complexes are one of the most versatile asymmetric catalysts and the catalysis of trans-M(salen) complexes has been well cultivated. On the other hand, non-planar cis-β M(salen) complexes were recently found to show unique asymmetric catalysis that cannot be attained by trans-M(salen) complexes. Moreover, related non-planar M(salalen) and M(salan) complexes were also found to exert unprecedented asymmetric catalysis. This Feature Article summarizes the seminal studies on asymmetric catalysis of non-planar M(ONNO) complexes, full utilization of which will provide marked improvement in asymmetric synthesis.

Graphical abstract: Asymmetric catalysis of metal complexes with non-planar ONNO ligands: salen, salalen and salan

Article information

Article type
Feature Article
30 Jan 2007
20 Mar 2007
First published
05 Apr 2007

Chem. Commun., 2007, 3619-3627

Asymmetric catalysis of metal complexes with non-planar ONNO ligands: salen, salalen and salan

K. Matsumoto, B. Saito and T. Katsuki, Chem. Commun., 2007, 3619 DOI: 10.1039/B701431G

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