Issue 41, 2008

Functional biomimetic models for the active site in the respiratory enzyme cytochrome c oxidase


A functional analog of the active site in the respiratory enzyme, cytochrome c oxidase (CcO) reproduces every feature in CcO's active site: a myoglobin-like heme (heme a3), a distal tridentate imidazole copper complex (CuB), a phenol (Tyr244), and a proximal imidazole. When covalently attached to a liquid-crystalline SAM film on an Au electrode, this functional model continuously catalyzes the selective four-electron reduction of dioxygen at physiological potential and pH, under rate-limiting electron flux (as occurs in CcO).

Graphical abstract: Functional biomimetic models for the active site in the respiratory enzyme cytochrome c oxidase

Article information

Article type
Feature Article
12 May 2008
30 Jul 2008
First published
04 Sep 2008

Chem. Commun., 2008, 5065-5076

Functional biomimetic models for the active site in the respiratory enzyme cytochrome c oxidase

J. P. Collman and R. A. Decréau, Chem. Commun., 2008, 5065 DOI: 10.1039/B808070B

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