Issue 7, 2009

Green chemistry aspects of fluorous techniques—opportunities and challenges for small-scale organic synthesis


Described in this paper is a personal overview of the green chemistry aspects of fluorous technologies. The unique phase separation and broad combinatorial capabilities of fluorous technologies have led to the development of fluorous chromatography-free separations, chemical recycling techniques, atom economic reactions, energy-focused microwave reactions, metal-free organocatalysis, aqueous media reactions, and modified reagents. These green chemistry techniques have been demonstrated in discovery chemistry, medicinal chemistry, and academic research labs dealing with small-scale organic synthesis. Issues such as the environmental impact of fluorous chemicals are also discussed.

Graphical abstract: Green chemistry aspects of fluorous techniques—opportunities and challenges for small-scale organic synthesis

Article information

Article type
Critical Review
20 Nov 2008
27 Apr 2009
First published
14 May 2009

Green Chem., 2009,11, 911-920

Green chemistry aspects of fluorous techniques—opportunities and challenges for small-scale organic synthesis

W. Zhang, Green Chem., 2009, 11, 911 DOI: 10.1039/B820740B

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