Issue 34, 2009

Highly selective iodide-responsive gel–sol state transition in supramolecular hydrogels


We demonstrate for the first time a highly selective anion-responsive reversible gel–sol state transition in a supramolecular hydrogel of Ag(I)-glutathione (GSH) coordination polymers, which allows for facile and selective visual recognition of Ivia naked eyes even in a strongly colored and/or fluorescent background. Such a strategy overcomes the drawback of spectral interferences which are often encountered in conventional colorimetric and fluorimetric means. It was rationalized that I functioned as a depolymerizing agent for the Ag(I)-GSH supramolecular hydrogels. A feasible quantitative assay for I was established that afforded satisfactory results for simulated wastewater samples. We believe that this strategy can in principle be applicable to other species by following a smart gel–sol state transition in designed supramolecular hydrogel.

Graphical abstract: Highly selective iodide-responsive gel–sol state transition in supramolecular hydrogels

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
05 May 2009
10 Jun 2009
First published
08 Jul 2009

J. Mater. Chem., 2009,19, 6219-6224

Highly selective iodide-responsive gel–sol state transition in supramolecular hydrogels

J. Shen, D. Li, Q. Cai and Y. Jiang, J. Mater. Chem., 2009, 19, 6219 DOI: 10.1039/B908755A

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