Issue 14, 2010

Multi-channel receptors based on thiopyrylium functionalised with macrocyclic receptors for the recognition of transition metal cations and anions


We report herein the synthesis and characterization of a family of ligands containing different cation binding sites covalently connected to a thiopyrylium signalling reporter. The receptors L1L6 are able to signal the presence of certain metal cations via three different channels; i.e. electrochemically, fluorogenically and chromogenically. An acetonitrile solution of L1L6 shows a bright blue colour due to a charge-transfer band in the 575–585 nm region. The colour variation in acetonitrile of L1L6 in the presence of the metal cations Ag+, Cd2+, Cu2+, Fe3+, Hg2+, Ni2+, Pb2+ and Zn2+ has been studied. A selective hypsochromic shift of the blue band was found for the systems L4-Pb2+ and L5-Hg2+. Additionally, L1L6 are poorly fluorescent but coordination with certain metal cations induces an enhancement of the fluorescence at ca 500 nm. For instance, the presence of Cu2+ and Fe3+ induced a remarkable 42-fold and 45-fold enhancement in the emission intensity of L1 centred at 500 nm, respectively. Also remarkable was the 18-fold enhancement observed for L4 and L5 in the presence of Fe3+ and Cu2+, respectively. The electrochemical behaviour of receptors L1L6 was studied in acetonitrile using platinum as a working electrode and [Bu4N][BF4] as a supporting electrolyte. This family of receptors showed a one-electron reversible redox process at ca. -0.46 V versus sce attributed to the reduction of the thiopyrylium group. A moderate anodic shift in the presence of certain metal cations was observed. The effect in the UV-visible spectra of acetonitrile solutions of receptor L1L6 in the presence of anions was also studied. A remarkable bleaching was found in the presence of cyanide.

Graphical abstract: Multi-channel receptors based on thiopyrylium functionalised with macrocyclic receptors for the recognition of transition metal cations and anions

Article information

Article type
14 Oct 2009
04 Jan 2010
First published
05 Feb 2010

Dalton Trans., 2010,39, 3449-3459

Multi-channel receptors based on thiopyrylium functionalised with macrocyclic receptors for the recognition of transition metal cations and anions

T. Ábalos, D. Jiménez, M. Moragues, S. Royo, R. Martínez-Máñez, F. Sancenón, J. Soto, A. M. Costero, M. Parra and S. Gil, Dalton Trans., 2010, 39, 3449 DOI: 10.1039/B921486K

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