Issue 13, 2010

Fluctuations and correlations during the shear flow of elastic particles near the jamming transition


We present a numerical study of the flow of an assembly of frictionless, soft discs at zero temperature, in the vicinity of and slightly above the jamming density. We find that some of the flow properties, such as the fluctuations in the number of contacts or the shear modulus, display a critical like behaviour that is governed by the proximity to the jamming point. Dynamical correlations during a quasistatic deformation, however, are non critical and dominated by system size. At finite strain rates, these dynamical correlations acquire a finite, strain-rate dependent amplitude, that decreases when approaching the jamming point from above.

Graphical abstract: Fluctuations and correlations during the shear flow of elastic particles near the jamming transition

Article information

Article type
06 Jan 2010
30 Mar 2010
First published
24 May 2010

Soft Matter, 2010,6, 3050-3058

Fluctuations and correlations during the shear flow of elastic particles near the jamming transition

C. Heussinger, P. Chaudhuri and J. Barrat, Soft Matter, 2010, 6, 3050 DOI: 10.1039/B927228C

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