Issue 4, 2011

Laser-based refractive index detection for micro-channels


Laser-based refractive index detection, based upon refractive index changes in micro-channels, is a kind of laser-based optical determination for solutions. As it is capable of label-free determination, it has been regarded as a considerable growth prospect. The key aspect in related researches lay in the development of novel detection configurations, which would possibly result in better sensitivity. Over the past decade, micro-channel laser-based refractive index detection has been significantly improved, resulting in traversed, hologram-based, back-scattered, retro-reflected interference, optical ring resonant, etc., detection configurations. Moreover, laser-based refractive index detection has been combined with other laser-based detection strategies, in order to pursue a universal and sensitive detection. And last but not least, some utilizations of laser-based refractive index detection have been reported, while both advantages and drawbacks exist. In this paper, laser-based refractive index detection for micro-channels will be reviewed in proceeding sequence.

Graphical abstract: Laser-based refractive index detection for micro-channels

Article information

Article type
02 Aug 2010
18 Nov 2010
First published
08 Dec 2010

Analyst, 2011,136, 635-641

Laser-based refractive index detection for micro-channels

B. Xiong and J. Hu, Analyst, 2011, 136, 635 DOI: 10.1039/C0AN00596G

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