Issue 20, 2011

Edge-functionalized graphene-like platelets as a co-curing agent and a nanoscale additive to epoxy resin


A newly developed method for the edge-selective functionalization of “pristine” graphite with 4-aminobenzoic acid was applied for the synthesis of 4-aminobenzoyl-functionalized graphite (AB-graphite) through a “direct” Friedel–Crafts acylation in a polyphosphoric acid (PPA)/phosphorus pentoxide medium (P2O5). The AB moiety at the edge of the AB-graphite played the role of a molecular wedge to exfoliate the AB-graphite into individual graphene and graphene-like platelets upon dispersion in polar solvents. These were used as a co-curing agent and a nanoscale additive to epoxy resin. The physical properties of the resulting epoxy/AB-graphite composites were improved because of the efficient load transfer between the additive and epoxy matrix through covalent links.

Graphical abstract: Edge-functionalized graphene-like platelets as a co-curing agent and a nanoscale additive to epoxy resin

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
17 Oct 2010
07 Mar 2011
First published
07 Apr 2011

J. Mater. Chem., 2011,21, 7337-7342

Edge-functionalized graphene-like platelets as a co-curing agent and a nanoscale additive to epoxy resin

K. Kim, I. Jeon, S. Ahn, Y. Kwon and J. Baek, J. Mater. Chem., 2011, 21, 7337 DOI: 10.1039/C0JM03504A

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