Issue 6, 2010

Postsynthetic functionalization of mesoporous silica


Functionalized mesoporous silica offers promising possibilities for numerous applications, including drug delivery, catalysis, and adsorption. This minireview focuses on recent developments related to the postsynthetic positioning of functional groups on mesoporous silica. After briefly introducing the reagents that are commonly used for this purpose, methods to control and to analyze the distribution of the grafted functional groups are discussed, with particular emphasis on concepts that allow the placement of the groups at specific distances from each other, as well as on approaches towards the selective functionalization of the external particle surface.

Graphical abstract: Postsynthetic functionalization of mesoporous silica

Article information

Article type
19 Jan 2010
25 Feb 2010
First published
13 Apr 2010

Nanoscale, 2010,2, 887-892

Postsynthetic functionalization of mesoporous silica

D. Brühwiler, Nanoscale, 2010, 2, 887 DOI: 10.1039/C0NR00039F

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