Issue 41, 2011

Colorimetric detection ofc-Kit mutations using electrostatic attraction induced aggregation of peptide nucleic acid modified gold nanoparticles


We report a colorimetric detection ofc-Kit mutations using selective aggregation of the peptide nucleic acid modified gold nanoparticles that is caused by electrostatic attraction.

Graphical abstract: Colorimetric detection ofc-Kit mutations using electrostatic attraction induced aggregation of peptide nucleic acid modified gold nanoparticles

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
25 Aug 2011
17 Sep 2011
First published
26 Sep 2011

Chem. Commun., 2011,47, 11477-11479

Colorimetric detection ofc-Kit mutations using electrostatic attraction induced aggregation of peptide nucleic acid modified gold nanoparticles

H. Lee, A. Kim, I. Ahn, S. Joo, S. Y. Lee, K. Yoon and K. Lee, Chem. Commun., 2011, 47, 11477 DOI: 10.1039/C1CC15280G

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