Issue 1, 2012

Coumarin derivatives for dye sensitized solar cells: a TD-DFT study


Time dependent density functional theory (TD-DFT) calculations have been carried out to study the electronic structure and the optical properties of five coumarin based dyes: C343, NKX-2311, NKX-2586, NKX-2753 and NKX-2593. We have found out that the position and width of the first band in the electronic absorption spectra, the absorption threshold and the LUMO energy with respect to the conduction band edge are key parameters in order to establish some criteria that allow evaluating the efficiency of coumarin derivatives as sensitizers in Dye Sensitized Solar Cells (DSSC). Those criteria predict the efficiency ordering for the coumarin series in good agreement with the experimental evidence. Presumably, they might be used in the design of new efficient organic based DSSC.

Graphical abstract: Coumarin derivatives for dye sensitized solar cells: a TD-DFT study

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Article information

Article type
23 Jun 2011
21 Oct 2011
First published
11 Nov 2011

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2012,14, 225-233

Coumarin derivatives for dye sensitized solar cells: a TD-DFT study

R. Sánchez-de-Armas, M. Á. San Miguel, J. Oviedo and J. Fdez. Sanz, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2012, 14, 225 DOI: 10.1039/C1CP22058F

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