Issue 2, 2012

Laboratory scale conceptual process development for the isolation of renewable glycolaldehyde from pyrolysis oil to produce fermentation feedstock


A laboratory-based separation sequence has been developed to produce an aqueous glycolaldehyde solution as fermentation feedstock. It consists of water extraction of pyrolysis oil, acid removal, water removal, octanol extraction, phenolic removal, back-extraction, and washing. The octanol-free aqueous glycolaldehyde solution contains approximately 4 wt% glycolaldehyde, which meets the requirement of fermentation feedstock.

Graphical abstract: Laboratory scale conceptual process development for the isolation of renewable glycolaldehyde from pyrolysis oil to produce fermentation feedstock

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
27 Sep 2011
09 Nov 2011
First published
05 Dec 2011

Green Chem., 2012,14, 321-325

Laboratory scale conceptual process development for the isolation of renewable glycolaldehyde from pyrolysis oil to produce fermentation feedstock

C. R. Vitasari, G. W. Meindersma and A. B. de Haan, Green Chem., 2012, 14, 321 DOI: 10.1039/C1GC16200D

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