Issue 6, 2011

Quantum dot–aptamer nanoprobes for recognizing and labeling influenza A virus particles


The fluorescence labeling of viruses is a useful technology for virus detection and imaging. By combining the excellent fluorescence properties of quantum dots (QDs) with the high affinity and specificity of aptamers, we constructed a QD–aptamer probe. The aptamer A22, against the hemagglutinin of influenza A virus, was linked to QDs, producing the QD–A22 probe. Fluorescence imaging and transmission electron microscopy showed that the QD–A22 probe could specifically recognize and label influenza A virus particles. This QD labeling technique provides a new strategy for labeling virus particles for virus detection and imaging.

Graphical abstract: Quantum dot–aptamer nanoprobes for recognizing and labeling influenza A virus particles

Article information

Article type
28 Feb 2011
25 Mar 2011
First published
21 Apr 2011

Nanoscale, 2011,3, 2454-2457

Quantum dot–aptamer nanoprobes for recognizing and labeling influenza A virus particles

Z. Cui, Q. Ren, H. Wei, Z. Chen, J. Deng, Z. Zhang and X. Zhang, Nanoscale, 2011, 3, 2454 DOI: 10.1039/C1NR10218D

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