Issue 10, 2011

Chromium(v)-oxo and chromium(iii)-superoxo complexes bearing a macrocyclic TMC ligand in hydrogen atom abstraction reactions


A Cr(V)-oxo complex bearing a macrocyclic TMC ligand, [CrV(TMC)(O)(OCH3)]2+, was synthesized, isolated, and characterized by various physicochemical methods, including UV-vis, ESI-MS, resonance Raman, EPR and X-ray analysis. The reactivity of the Cr(V)-oxo complex was investigated in C–H and O–H bond activation reactions. The reactivity of a Cr(III)-superoxo complex, [CrIII(TMC)(O2)(Cl)]+, was investigated in O–H bond activation reactions as well. By comparing reactivities of the Cr(III)-superoxo and Cr(V)-oxo complexes under the identical reaction conditions, we were able to demonstrate that the Cr(III)-superoxo complex is more reactive than the Cr(V)-oxo complex in the activation of C–H and O–H bonds. The present results provide strong evidence that under certain circumstances, metal-superoxo species can be an alternative oxidant for high-valent metal-oxo complexes in oxygenation reactions.

Graphical abstract: Chromium(v)-oxo and chromium(iii)-superoxo complexes bearing a macrocyclic TMC ligand in hydrogen atom abstraction reactions

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
Edge Article
22 Jun 2011
19 Jul 2011
First published
04 Aug 2011

Chem. Sci., 2011,2, 2057-2062

Chromium(V)-oxo and chromium(III)-superoxo complexes bearing a macrocyclic TMC ligand in hydrogen atom abstraction reactions

J. Cho, J. Woo, J. Eun Han, M. Kubo, T. Ogura and W. Nam, Chem. Sci., 2011, 2, 2057 DOI: 10.1039/C1SC00386K

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