Issue 4, 2013

Electroanalytical sensing of selenium(iv) utilising screen printed graphite macro electrodes


The electroanalytical determination of selenium(IV) via anodic stripping voltammetry is shown to be possible for the first time using screen printed graphite electrodes. The deposition potential and time was optimised allowing a linear range from 10 to 1000 μg L−1 in 0.1 mol L−1 HClO4 to be realised with a limit of detection (3σ) found to correspond to 4.9 μg L−1. Utilising these screen printed graphite electrodes, the detection of selenium(IV) in drinking (tap) water is shown to be feasible allowing a detection limit (3σ) of 19.2 μg L−1 to be realised which is below the levels set by the United States Environmental Protection Agency. Such an approach suggests the possibility of a disposable screening tool for selenium(IV) in drinking water samples.

Graphical abstract: Electroanalytical sensing of selenium(iv) utilising screen printed graphite macro electrodes

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
14 Sep 2012
03 Dec 2012
First published
02 Jan 2013

Anal. Methods, 2013,5, 851-856

Electroanalytical sensing of selenium(IV) utilising screen printed graphite macro electrodes

A. V. Kolliopoulos, J. P. Metters and C. E. Banks, Anal. Methods, 2013, 5, 851 DOI: 10.1039/C2AY26041G

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