Issue 88, 2012

Heme plane orientation dependent direct electron transfer of cytochrome c at SAMs/Au electrodes with different wettability


It is proposed that direct electron transfer is dependent on the orientation of the heme plane in cytochrome c (cyt c) assembled on electrode surfaces. Orientation with the heme plane in cyt c parallel to the gold electrode surface favors the direct electron transfer, while vertical orientation of the heme plane makes the direct electron transfer difficult. A preferable electron transport pathway for cyt c is through the axial ligand (His-18) of the heme center rather than the porphyrin ring.

Graphical abstract: Heme plane orientation dependent direct electron transfer of cytochrome c at SAMs/Au electrodes with different wettability

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Article information

Article type
11 Aug 2012
11 Sep 2012
First published
12 Sep 2012

Chem. Commun., 2012,48, 10859-10861

Heme plane orientation dependent direct electron transfer of cytochrome c at SAMs/Au electrodes with different wettability

G. Wang, W. Bao, M. Wang and X. Xia, Chem. Commun., 2012, 48, 10859 DOI: 10.1039/C2CC35819K

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