Issue 16, 2012

Synthesis of phase-pure SnO2nanosheets with different organized structures and their lithium storage properties


A facile hydrothermal method has been developed to synthesize phase-pure SnO2 nanosheets with controlled morphology. The electrochemical measurements show that the as-prepared sample exhibits improved lithium storage properties as an anode material for lithium-ion batteries.

Graphical abstract: Synthesis of phase-pure SnO2 nanosheets with different organized structures and their lithium storage properties

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
11 Mar 2012
22 May 2012
First published
23 May 2012

CrystEngComm, 2012,14, 5133-5136

Synthesis of phase-pure SnO2 nanosheets with different organized structures and their lithium storage properties

J. S. Chen, M. F. Ng, H. B. Wu, L. Zhang and X. W. (. Lou, CrystEngComm, 2012, 14, 5133 DOI: 10.1039/C2CE25349F

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