Issue 32, 2012

Polydentate-ligand-supported self-assembly of heterometallic T-shaped Co4RE (RE = Gd, Tb, Y) clusters: synthesis, structure and magnetism


A series of mixed-valent heterometallic pentanuclear CoIII3CoIIREIII (RE = Gd (1), Tb (2), Y (3)) clusters have been rationally assembled by taking advantage of a bifunctional ligand with o-vanillin and tripodal tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane units. Structural determinations reveal that all compounds are isomorphous and possess a T-shaped Co4RE core, which comprises two nearly linear Co2RE subunits sharing a common RE ion. Their magnetic properties were thoroughly studied. The static magnetic susceptibility studies of 1 demonstrate the presence of weak ferromagnetic interactions between the magnetic centres and magnetic anisotropy reflected by the single ion zero-field splitting (ZFS) D term. Both 1 and 2 behave magnetically as heterodinuclear metal systems, while the magnetic behaviour of 3 is identical to an isolated CoII ion. Moreover, alternating-current susceptibility measurements did not exhibit any out-of-phase signal, suggesting that slow magnetic relaxation is absent above 2 K within them. These isomorphous Co4RE clusters offer an opportunity to systematically probe the contribution of different metal ions to the overall magnetic behaviour in CoII–REIII systems.

Graphical abstract: Polydentate-ligand-supported self-assembly of heterometallic T-shaped Co4RE (RE = Gd, Tb, Y) clusters: synthesis, structure and magnetism

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Article information

Article type
08 Apr 2012
31 May 2012
First published
01 Jun 2012

Dalton Trans., 2012,41, 9760-9765

Polydentate-ligand-supported self-assembly of heterometallic T-shaped Co4RE (RE = Gd, Tb, Y) clusters: synthesis, structure and magnetism

H. Ke, L. Zhao, Y. Guo and J. Tang, Dalton Trans., 2012, 41, 9760 DOI: 10.1039/C2DT30761H

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