Issue 12, 2012

Optimum interpolation analysis of basin-scale 137Cs transport in surface seawater in the North Pacific Ocean


137Cs is one of the conservative tracers applied to the study of oceanic circulation processes on decadal time scales. To investigate the spatial distribution and the temporal variation of 137Cs concentrations in surface seawater in the North Pacific Ocean after 1957, a technique for optimum interpolation (OI) was applied to understand the behaviour of 137Cs that revealed the basin-scale circulation of 137Cs in surface seawater in the North Pacific Ocean: 137Cs deposited in the western North Pacific Ocean from global fallout (late 1950s and early 1960s) and from local fallout (transported from the Bikini and Enewetak Atolls during the late 1950s) was further transported eastward with the Kuroshio and North Pacific Currents within several years of deposition and was accumulated in the eastern North Pacific Ocean until 1967. Subsequently, 137Cs concentrations in the eastern North Pacific Ocean decreased due to southward transport. Less radioactively contaminated seawater was also transported northward, upstream of the North Equatorial Current in the western North Pacific Ocean in the 1970s, indicating seawater re-circulation in the North Pacific Gyre.

Graphical abstract: Optimum interpolation analysis of basin-scale 137Cs transport in surface seawater in the North Pacific Ocean

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
23 Aug 2012
12 Oct 2012
First published
02 Nov 2012

J. Environ. Monit., 2012,14, 3146-3155

Optimum interpolation analysis of basin-scale 137Cs transport in surface seawater in the North Pacific Ocean

Y. Inomata, M. Aoyama, D. Tsumune, T. Motoi and H. Nakano, J. Environ. Monit., 2012, 14, 3146 DOI: 10.1039/C2EM30707C

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