Issue 4, 2012

Effect of a mass spectrometer interface on inductively coupled plasma characteristics: a computational study


An inductively coupled plasma connected to a mass spectrometer interface (sampling cone) is computationally investigated. Typical plasma characteristics, such as gas flow velocity, plasma temperature and electron density, are calculated in two dimensions (cylindrical symmetry) and compared with and without a mass spectrometer sampling interface. The results obtained from our model compare favorably with experimental data reported in the literature. A dramatic increase in the plasma velocity is reported in the region close to the interface. Furthermore, a cooled metal interface lowers the plasma temperature and electron density on the axial channel very close to the sampling cone but the corresponding values in the off axial regions are increased. Therefore, the effect of the interface strongly depends on the measurement position. It is shown that even a small shift from the actual position of the sampler leads to a considerable change of the results.

Graphical abstract: Effect of a mass spectrometer interface on inductively coupled plasma characteristics: a computational study

Article information

Article type
28 Nov 2011
17 Jan 2012
First published
22 Feb 2012

J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2012,27, 604-610

Effect of a mass spectrometer interface on inductively coupled plasma characteristics: a computational study

M. Aghaei, H. Lindner and A. Bogaerts, J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2012, 27, 604 DOI: 10.1039/C2JA10341A

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