Issue 15, 1975

Krypton fluoride chemistry; a route to AuF5, KrF+AuF6, Xe2F3+AuF6, and NO+AuF6: the KrF+–XeOF4 system


Pyrolysis of newly prepared KrF+AuF6 gives AuF5 which reacts with XeF2 to produce Xe2F3+AuF6 and NOF to give NO+AuF6; Kr+AuF6 is a powerful oxidative fluorinating agent with respect to O2 and Xe and the reaction of KrF+ with excess XeOF4 gives XeOF4.XeF5+ and O2+ salts, not XeOF5+ as reported previously.

Article information

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J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., 1975, 623-624

Krypton fluoride chemistry; a route to AuF5, KrF+AuF6, Xe2F3+AuF6, and NO+AuF6: the KrF+–XeOF4 system

J. H. Holloway and G. J. Schrobilgen, J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., 1975, 623 DOI: 10.1039/C39750000623

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