Issue 13, 2013

New insights into two-photon absorption properties of functionalized aza-BODIPY dyes at telecommunication wavelengths: a theoretical study


Special attention has been paid to understanding the structural effect on electronic structure and absorption spectra for an extensive series of functionalized aza-BODIPY molecules. We have employed the quadratic response theory as well as a sum-over-states approach involving few intermediate states to calculate the two-photon cross section (δmax). The results suggest that chemical modifications on the aza-BODIPY core and peripheral moieties using various substituents can finely tune their linear and nonlinear optical properties. Therefore, some new fluorophores absorbing in the near infrared region and featuring considerably high δmax at telecommunication wavelengths are proposed, which are excellent candidates for nonlinear transmission and fluorescent labeling materials. The investigation contributes a useful starting point for further design of more effective aza-BODIPY dyes and can be valuable as a foundation for future experimental research and development.

Graphical abstract: New insights into two-photon absorption properties of functionalized aza-BODIPY dyes at telecommunication wavelengths: a theoretical study

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Article information

Article type
10 Dec 2012
28 Jan 2013
First published
28 Jan 2013

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2013,15, 4666-4676

New insights into two-photon absorption properties of functionalized aza-BODIPY dyes at telecommunication wavelengths: a theoretical study

X. Liu, J. Zhang, K. Li, X. Sun, Z. Wu, A. Ren and J. Feng, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2013, 15, 4666 DOI: 10.1039/C3CP44435J

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