Issue 18, 2013

Mechanochemical organic synthesis


Recently, mechanical milling using a mixer mill or planetary mill has been fruitfully utilized in organic synthesis under solvent-free conditions. This review article provides a comprehensive overview of various solvent-free mechanochemical organic reactions, including metal-mediated or -catalyzed reactions, condensation reactions, nucleophilic additions, cascade reactions, Diels–Alder reactions, oxidations, reductions, halogenation/aminohalogenation, etc. The ball milling technique has also been applied to the synthesis of calixarenes, rotaxanes and cage compounds, asymmetric synthesis as well as the transformation of biologically active compounds.

Graphical abstract: Mechanochemical organic synthesis

Article information

Article type
Review Article
24 Dec 2012
First published
09 May 2013

Chem. Soc. Rev., 2013,42, 7668-7700

Mechanochemical organic synthesis

G. Wang, Chem. Soc. Rev., 2013, 42, 7668 DOI: 10.1039/C3CS35526H

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