Volume 163, 2013

Coherent exciton transport driven by torsional dynamics: a quantum dynamical study of phenylene-vinylene type conjugated systems


We present a quantum dynamical study of exciton transfer across a torsional defect that locally breaks the π-conjugation in an oligo-(p-phenylene vinylene) (OPV) fragment. A site-based vibronic coupling Hamiltonian is used which is formulated in a comparative fashion (i) for a Frenkel exciton basis, assuming localized electron-hole pairs whose superposition yields a delocalized exciton, and (ii) more accurately, for a Merrifield type exciton basis including spatially separated electron-hole pairs. Starting from a partially delocalized (“spectroscopic unit”) initial condition, the observed transfer dynamics is found to involve two characteristic time scales: (i) a very rapid, coherent transient on a 10–100 femtosecond scale, largely determined by Rabi type oscillations modulated by bond-length-alternation modes, and (ii) a slower time scale involving the planarization of the torsional coordinates that determines the onset of a quasi-stationary exciton-polaron state, and in the process leads to a “healing” of the torsional defect within ∼ 500 femtoseconds. The dynamics obtained from the full electron-hole basis vs. Frenkel basis are in good agreement. In the full electron-hole dynamics, the transients are found to involve a rapid expansion and subsequent contraction of the electron-hole coherence size. Quantum dynamical simulations for a minimal six-site model involving 36 states and 22 vibrational modes, were carried out using the multiconfiguration time dependent Hartree (MCTDH) method.

Article information

Article type
12 Dec 2012
23 Jan 2013
First published
23 Jan 2013

Faraday Discuss., 2013,163, 205-222

Coherent exciton transport driven by torsional dynamics: a quantum dynamical study of phenylene-vinylene type conjugated systems

R. Binder, J. Wahl, S. Römer and I. Burghardt, Faraday Discuss., 2013, 163, 205 DOI: 10.1039/C3FD20148A

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