Issue 14, 2013

Green modification of natural fibres with nanocellulose


The present paper presents a green process of two-step nanocellulose modification of hemp fibres and investigates the mechanisms of the efficacy of the modification. The results showed that the present nano-modification significantly increased the mechanical and interfacial properties of hemp fibres. The optimized condition (pH 11, 0.1% DTAB) of the nano-modification resulted in an increase of the modulus, tensile stress and tensile strain of hemp fibres by 36.13%, 72.80% and 67.69% respectively. FEG-SEM micrograph revealed that the nanocellulose modified the natural fibres in two ways, namely, nanocellulose (i) filling in the stria and (ii) bonding the inter-fibrils in the gaps between fibrils. XRD results showed the nano-modification increased the crystallinity index of natural fibres up to 38.46%. Resin absorption of the nano-modified fibres increased by 39.00%. XPS measurement and the ATR-FTIR characterization indicated that the nanocellulose modification may have resulted in changes in the chemical elements and chemical structure of interfaces, the esterification between hydroxyl groups at C-2 and C-6 of nanocellulose and carboxyl groups of the unsaturated polyester.

Graphical abstract: Green modification of natural fibres with nanocellulose

Article information

Article type
18 Sep 2012
21 Jan 2013
First published
23 Jan 2013

RSC Adv., 2013,3, 4659-4665

Green modification of natural fibres with nanocellulose

D. Dai and M. Fan, RSC Adv., 2013, 3, 4659 DOI: 10.1039/C3RA22196B

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