Issue 4, 2014

Solid-state structural transformation doubly triggered by reaction temperature and time in 3D metal-organic frameworks: great enhancement of stability and gas adsorption


In this work, we have demonstrated an unprecedented single-crystal-to-single-crystal (SCSC) transformation between two 3D metal-organic frameworks (MOFs). The centrosymmetric IFMC-68 ([(Zn4O)2(L)3]·10H2O·46DMA) transforms into a chiral IFMC-69 ([(Zn4O)2(L)3H2O]·H2O·4DMA) doubly triggered by reaction temperature and time simultaneously in the presence or absence of solvent. To our knowledge, this is the first representative that the non-interpenetrated structure transforms into self-penetrated structure in MOFs. For the first time, we have studied the influence of reaction temperature and time on SCSC transformation, simultaneously, and get the transformation relationship among IFMC-68, IFMC-69 and the intermediate coming from the direct synthesis method and stepwise synthesis method at different temperatures and for different times. Meanwhile, we have achieved the conversion from an air-unstable to air-stable structure. Air-stable IFMC-69 exhibits the selective CO2 uptake over N2 and more excellent gas adsorption ability than IFMC-68. In addition, IFMC-69 shows an efficient capability in reversible adsorption of iodine. The electrical conductivity value (σ) of I2@IFMC-69 is much higher than the pristine MOF and thus is promising for potential semiconductor materials in the future.

Graphical abstract: Solid-state structural transformation doubly triggered by reaction temperature and time in 3D metal-organic frameworks: great enhancement of stability and gas adsorption

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Article information

Article type
Edge Article
24 Sep 2013
02 Dec 2013
First published
02 Dec 2013

Chem. Sci., 2014,5, 1368-1374

Solid-state structural transformation doubly triggered by reaction temperature and time in 3D metal-organic frameworks: great enhancement of stability and gas adsorption

P. Shen, W. He, D. Du, H. Jiang, S. Li, Z. Lang, Z. Su, Q. Fu and Y. Lan, Chem. Sci., 2014, 5, 1368 DOI: 10.1039/C3SC52666F

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