Issue 20, 2014

Simulation of diffusion in a crowded environment


We performed extensive and systematic simulation studies of two-dimensional fluid motion in a complex crowded environment. In contrast to other studies we focused on cooperative phenomena that occurred if the motion of particles takes place in a dense crowded system, which can be considered as a crude model of a cellular membrane. Our main goal was to answer the following question: how do the fluid molecules move in an environment with a complex structure, taking into account the fact that motions of fluid molecules are highly correlated. The dynamic lattice liquid (DLL) model, which can work at the highest fluid density, was employed. Within the frame of the DLL model we considered cooperative motion of fluid particles in an environment that contained static obstacles. The dynamic properties of the system as a function of the concentration of obstacles were studied. The subdiffusive motion of particles was found in the crowded system. The influence of hydrodynamics on the motion was investigated via analysis of the displacement in closed cooperative loops. The simulation and the analysis emphasize the influence of the movement correlation between moving particles and obstacles.

Graphical abstract: Simulation of diffusion in a crowded environment

Article information

Article type
12 Nov 2013
18 Feb 2014
First published
19 Feb 2014

Soft Matter, 2014,10, 3597-3607

Simulation of diffusion in a crowded environment

P. Polanowski and A. Sikorski, Soft Matter, 2014, 10, 3597 DOI: 10.1039/C3SM52861H

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